Codesign of quantum error-correcting codes and modular chiplets in the presence of defects

By Sophia Fuhui Lin (University of Chicago), Joshua Viszlai (University of Chicago), Kaitlin N. Smith (, a software division of Infleqtion), Gokul Subramanian Ravi (University of Chicago), Charles Yuan (MIT CSAIL), Frederic T. Chong (University of Chicago), Benjamin J. Brown (IBM Quantum, T. J. Watson Research Center)

Fabrication errors pose a significant challenge in scaling up solid-state quantum devices to the sizes required for fault-tolerant (FT) quantum applications. To mitigate the resource overhead caused by fabrication errors, we combine two approaches: (1) leveraging the flexibility of a modular architecture, (2) adapting the procedure of quantum error correction (QEC) to account for fabrication defects. We simulate the surface code adapted to qubit arrays with arbitrarily distributed defects to find metrics that characterize how defects affect fidelity. We then determine the impact of defects on the resource overhead of realizing a fault-tolerant quantum computer, on a chiplet-based modular architecture. Our strategy for dealing with fabrication defects demonstrates an exponential suppression of logical failure where error rates of non-faulty physical qubits are ~0.1% in a circuit-based noise model. This is a typical regime where we imagine running the defect-free surface code. We use our numerical results to establish post-selection criteria for building a device from defective chiplets. Using our criteria, we then evaluate the resource overhead in terms of the average number of fabricated physical qubits per logical qubit. We find that an optimal choice of chiplet size, based on the defect rate and target fidelity, is essential to limiting any additional error correction overhead due to defects. When the optimal chiplet size is chosen, at a defect rate of 1% the resource overhead can be reduced to below 3X and 6X respectively for the two defect models we use, for a wide range of target performance. We also determine cutoff fidelity values that help identify whether a qubit should be disabled or kept as part of the error correction code.

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