ISSCC 2025: Intel Propels Chiplet Interconnect Speed and Flexibility

The company demonstrated configurable, bandwidth-scalable heterogenous 2.5D interfaces across 20 chiplets from two foundries.

By Duane Benson, All About Circuits (February 25, 2025)

At ISSCC 2025, Intel scientists presented a paper outlining a configurable silicon substrate based on a standard chiplet interface compatible across chiplet types and manufacturers. The paper also proposes a standard interface template for chiplet design with on-chiplet routers for dynamically changing system routing during runtime.

One of the key goals of the new architecture is to remove bandwidth bottlenecks in high-demand AI applications. The proposed solution enhances design flexibility by standardizing the chiplet interface and creating a “mix and match” compatible host for chiplets of various types from different manufacturers.

It also increases operational efficiency and removes bottlenecks by adapting chiplet-to-chiplet routing in real time to bypass unused chiplets. For example, a CPU core not being used in a specific AI inferencing application can be dynamically removed from a pathway between a graphics processing unit (GPU) and a memory chip. This will reduce transfer bottlenecks during data-intensive operations. The CPU code can be routed back in when needed for other operations.

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