Advanced Packaging: A Curse Or A Blessing For Trustworthiness?

Reduce risk by distributing the security-critical functionality of a system across different circuits.

By Andy Heinig, Fraunhofer Institute of Integrated Circuits (January 16th, 2025)

In recent years, the issue of trustworthiness in electronics has become increasingly important, especially in areas where security is of the essence such as the automotive sector, industry, and critical infrastructure. These sectors depend on electronic systems that are not only powerful but also absolutely reliable and, above all, secure. This represents a major challenge, as the increasing complexity of systems opens up new potential avenues of attack. The field of advanced packaging in particular is undergoing significant change, and this presents both opportunities and risks.

While in the past the trend was toward more and more integration on a single circuit, we are now seeing a shift toward solutions realized through advanced packaging. The term “advanced packaging” includes various technologies, such as “antenna in package” (AiP), heterogeneous integration (e.g., by means of chiplets), or the integration of optical components. These technologies make it possible to bundle ever more functionality on less and less space, meaning electronic systems can become smaller, more powerful, and more energy efficient. However, this high density of components also harbors new security risks.

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